The music i feel inside

giovedì 19 settembre 2013

The wind of the north

First of May 2012 ... no! it was the second of May since the flight arrived after midnight. =)

Before leaving the plane I put on my jacket and went out.
As soon as I stepped out the door of the plane a freezing wind passed through my bones and my soul. Yes because I always felt the cold as a discomfort but this one was like an embrace, I do not know how to explain better but I can tell you that it struck me so much and infact the title of this blog is about that wind.

Went dawn down the stairs and headed for the terminal walking through the empty and windy outside of the airport. Of course there were other people and soon, without knowing how, I was talking with an english girl of about my age, which was shivering like me.
She was talking about to put her feet in warm water but in those moments I did not remembered the meaning of the word "warm" so I struggled to understand that part. I was just so excited to be there.

Once inside the terminal I looked to take my baggage and after a short wait it appeared on the conveyor belts. If you are wondering the girl was already vanished.
Anyway passed the gate and went for the outside but first I changed my Euro in Pounds at the ATM.

Outside the Airport there was a taxidriver waiting for customers and infact he asked me if I wanted a ride but I knew there was a coach rather cheap just a few steps from there on the side of the road which I could see it clearly from the distance. A taxi was out of question since it would have cost me a lot so I politely told him that I would have taken instead the coach. He responded kindly, I appreciated his behaviour. Oh and by the way, I struggled to understand him! A fast paced and incomprehensible way to speak, at least for me at that time.

The coach was waiting there for everyone to come out the airport. I asked to the driver if that was the one for buchanan station but I mispronounced the word "buchanan" and he replied something like "no this is for Buchanan" and I said "yes!" so I paid ten pounds and took the ticket, then he told me they had to wait some more time before the departure. Suddenly I understood of what he was talking about. While making a call during the wait, it began to rain so I went inside the coach and sat down.
There were some Italians too. We had some chat and after a short time we departed.
We traveled through the A77 but it was rather dark and it was hard to distinguish anything out of the road range. It was odd for me to stay on the left side of the road and it was my first time.

Once we arrived in the city of Glasgow at the Buchanan station it was quite late, I think about one o'clock, or so. Everyone took their own way, many of them left with a taxi, the famous black cabs of London, but I knew that my hotel ,where I previously booked a room for that night, was not so far, so I walked until there.

During the walk I saw a little part of the city centre but everything was dark and the streets were empty. Rarely someone passed walking and almost no car was seen around. I saw a girl walking and I thought it was a little odd to see a female all alone at that late, she was probably a student judging by her clothes and backpack; A couple of other in another street looked quite drunk but well dressed.
Anyway the city, at that late hour, at my opinion was not looking quite safe. But for me it was just exciting being there. I am not afraid of no one, though I was aware that a crazy drunk idiot with a knife could have come out of nowhere at anytime. Or at least they say so.

After some walk, I reached the street where my hotel is located and the shape of the city has changed from high buildings to more traditional houses.
Since those moments I began to love this city, with his characteristic architecture and atmosphere. I found the wet streets and the walls with these red adobe quite impressive. The city seemed alive, but was sleeping at that moment.

Once I arrived at the hotel doorstep I rang the bell and soon a man came to open me. The only thing I said was "Sorry for being so late" (it was about one and a half o'clock) and he said something like "do not worry about it". So he gave me the key room and told me the time for the morning breakfast. I had to find the room by myself since he only told me it was at second floor. I headed to the stairs and wow! A tight and twisty stair with a red carpet covering anything from stairs to walls and handrail. I guess I felt like Alice in wonderland in a tiny but cute house. I struggled to pick up my baggage up those stairs because of the tight space but fortunately I managed to reach the top and finally found my room which was the last door in the corridor. The most tight corridor I ever saw, surely made of wood since it creacked and crunched onto my steps and even the stairs were the same. But the fire protection system was to norm of law and the hotel was kept clean and in good conditions despite the old house structure.

My room was quite cute and comfortable and surprisingly large! Or at least compared with the rest of the hotel. The bathroom was in the corridor and it was shared but it was well kept and clean. In my room there was any kind of thing, such as a kettel kettle to make Tea and cookies! Which, later, I discovered that all hotels there have a kettel kettle to prepare Tea. Also there was a closet for clothes, a desk with drawers, a chair, a mirror with a sink, a small tv with remote control, an inviting bed, a 'huge rectangular window and ... and a mysterious door!
Ok it was just a fire escape door but since I felt like Alice in wonderland in a tiny house, that one should have been a mysterious door heading for a secret garden ahah.

Watching out the window there was a small back garden (I told you there was a secret garden! ahah) and there was a chimney pot puffing smoke constantly. The walls and the windows seen on the side of the house looked quite old and made of red adobe. Maybe for anyone else this means nothing, but for me being there in that silent night watching out the window of my room with that smoke fading in the chill air, it was such a relaxing sight and I think in that moment I realized where I was and how I felt... it was a nice sensation I would say.

After a short time I went to sleep.

To be continued... hopefully

11 commenti:

  1. Ciao! Non avevo capito che avevi un blog! Scusami tanto...ti seguiro' con piacere...a presto

    1. Scrivo per passatempo e per migliorare il mio inglese, tutto quà. Comunque non è che devi scusarti xD
      Ciao ciao =)

  2. ...I'm looking forward to read the continuation!!
    I like reading your blog! Have a nice day!

  3. Grazie Laura. Devo dire che tra impegni vari non sto scrivendo molto ma cercherò di continuare per quanto possibile. E poi ricevere commenti positivi mi invoglia a scrivere. =)
    Buona fortuna con i nuovi lavori x)

  4. Per quanto riguarda il cognome...Mcgoldrick e' una licenza poetica per il blog. Il mio cognome e' ancora quello di mio padre! Non credo si possa cambiare se si cambia stato...

  5. Ah, ma sei in Scozia! Allora unisciti al gruppo dei vegani di facebook Vegan Edinburgh+ Glasgow, vedrai quanti consigli ti danno! E cercami su facebook, ma mandami un mess privato per dirmi chi sei, che non accetto 'sconosciuti' ... Hehe cognomi: Costantini McGyver

    1. Per ora non mi trovo in Scozia purtroppo, ma questa è un'altra storia.
      Grazie mi interessava trovare informazioni per vegani in quella zona.
      Ok appena farò l'account ti cercherò senz'altro ;)
      Hehe indovina un pò perchè non ho facebook, proprio perchè c'è un casino di gente sconosciuta che si fa i ...fatti tuoi.
      Spero di riuscire a settare privacy e roba varia. Non mi piace che tutti sappiano che diavolo faccio o a cosa sono interessato.

    2. Basta farti un account falso senza dati e bloccare il muro ai commenti, oppure fare un vegn facebook da cui diffondere solo ed esclusivamente robe vegane (e allora davvero poca gente si fa i cavoli tuoi).

  6. Mi unisco ai lettori che aspettano il seguito delle tue avventure in terra scozzese, e cosa ti ha motivato a scegliere questo magnifico Paese :)
    Buona giornata!

    1. Grazie, presto continuerò a scrivere della mia modesta avventura in Scotland.
      Ho visto che sei stata ad Edimburgo e non vedo l'ora di leggerti!!! =)


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